2020. 10. 25. 01:29ㆍ카테고리 없음
Place Everywhere is a mod for Fallout 4, created by TheLich.
Become a modern farmer! Grow crops, raise cattle and expand your farm. Here you can find and download Place Anywhere V1.4 Mod for Farming Simulator 2019 (FS 19) for free. For Fallout 4 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Place Anywhere: Precise Positioning question'. Feb 11, 2017 Now, us folks playing Fallout 4 on the PS4 finally have a real and easy to use Place Anywhere mod! Many thanks to Tim-timman and Registrator2000 for working.
This F4SE plugin allows building and placing objects in workshop mode everywhere (see note below) you want. Inside other objects, in water, even at air. Also makes almost all scrap-only objects (yellow) selectable/movable. Also you can move objects out of green zone and leave them there, while I do not recommend do this - if you think your settlement borders are too tight, just use border expanding mods like Build High (be careful though, as this mod conflicts with scrap mods and can cause reset bug). Allowing building in water has a side effect - all objects which requires water to be placed in, now can be build/placed everywhere also. Put water-purifiers everywhere!
To install use Nexus Mod Manager.
This mod requires Fallout 4 Script Extender.
- Last update: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
- Genre: RPG
- File size: 652.4 KB
Report problems with download to [email protected]
Name | Type | Size | Date | Total | 7 days |
Fallout 4 - Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer (CBBE) v.2.6.2 | mod | 619.8 MB | 9/6/2019 | 61.6K | 166 |
Fallout 4 - True Eyes v.1.1 | mod | 18.8 MB | 12/17/2016 | 18.6K | 112 |
Fallout 4 - Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) v.0.6.20 | mod | 1014.7 KB | 1/15/2020 | 21K | 95 |
Fallout 4 - Nuclear Reloaded v.1.6 | mod | 326.7 MB | 1/23/2017 | 8.4K | 58 |
Fallout 4 - Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch v.2.1.1a | mod | 25.4 MB | 5/16/2020 | 20K | 54 |
Fallout 4 - Homemaker v.1.73 | mod | 18.4 MB | 5/17/2020 | 18K | 32 |
Fallout 4 - Place Everywhere v. | mod | 652.4 KB | 1/15/2020 | 7.2K | 28 |
Fallout 4 - BodySlide and Outfit Studio v.4.8.0 | mod | 25.3 MB | 10/30/2019 | 15.4K | 23 |
Fallout 4 - Fallout 4 Config Tool v.1.0 | mod | 566.1 KB | 11/15/2015 | 9.4K | 20 |
Fallout 4 - Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v.8.6.0 | mod | 373.6 MB | 1/17/2020 | 10.1K | 19 |
Fallout 4 - DEF_UI v.1.5.1 | mod | 37 MB | 1/15/2020 | 4.8K | 16 |
Fallout 4 - Journey to the Sun - An Unofficial Fallout 4 Expansion v.1.1 | mod | 24.8 MB | 4/6/2020 | 548 | 16 |
Fallout 4 - Better Settlers v.2.0 | mod | 36.2 MB | 5/28/2017 | 4.7K | 15 |
Fallout 4 - Natural 2K Face Textures v.1.0 | mod | 206.8 MB | 7/27/2018 | 3K | 15 |
Fallout 4 - Expanded Launcher v.1.0.0 | mod | 1.7 MB | 9/8/2019 | 3K | 14 |
Fallout 4 - Armorsmith Extended v.4.6 | mod | 505.3 MB | 8/22/2019 | 12.2K | 14 |
So if you are one of the people that had issues with place anywhere hotkeys, because you dont have a num pad or for whatever reason here is what you need to do since it isnt explained for dummies anywhere:
You need to get the place example.ini file that you can find in Data/F4SE/plugin. If you correctly installed this mod you should definetely have this folder with said file in it.
All you need to do is modify the name into place.ini. Once there it will look like what i copy pasted at the bottom of this post. Go to keys, as you can see its in example, main = 0x77, if you look in google virtual key codes you will get exactly that codes for every key on your key. make sure you delete the previous and copy the code of the newly assign key.
And thats it. Im posting this cause i did get this issue and i have looked everywhere for any type of guide or walkthru,
but i havent found anything, so yeah if you google how in the world i make proper use of place anywhere, this is your best chance for a fix.
I had to change most numbers or keys that belong to a numpad since i dont have one in my keyboard.
PD: I think if you mess up, you can just delete the ini file and or if you saved the older file somewhere else just revert it.
Fallout 4 Wait Anywhere Not Working
This is how the place_example.ini looks for reference:
;togglable = 0
;wheelRotation = off
;timeoutFrozen = off
;snapDisabled = off
;groundDisabled = off
;outlineDisabled = off
;extraOutlineEnabled = off
;autoTimescaleEnabled = off
;buildTimescale = 0.01
;deleteEnabled = off
;duplicateEnabled = off
;rotateStepIdx = 3
;rotateSteps = 0.1 0.5 1 5 15 45 90
;moveStepIdx = 3
;moveSteps = 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100
;scaleStepIdx = 3
;scaleSteps = 1 5 10 25 50
;main = 0x77
;snap = 0x70
;ground = 0x71
;workshopSnap = 0x72
;outlineToggle = 0x73
;extraOutlineToggle = 0x2D
;timeoutFreeze = 0x74
;clampedStoreToggle = 0x75
;lockObject = 0x76
;rotateStepMinus = 0x6D
;rotateStepPlus = 0x6B
;resetAngles = 0x60
;removeTremor = 0x65
;changeRotateAxis = 0x11
;moveDown = 0x62
;moveUp = 0x68
;moveLeft = 0x64
;moveRight = 0x66
;moveBack = 0x67
;moveForth = 0x69
;moveStepMinus = 0x6F
;moveStepPlus = 0x6a
;scaleStepMinus = 0x22
;scaleStepPlus = 0x21
;scaleDown = 0x61
;scaleUp = 0x63
;scaleReset = 0x6E
;undo = 0x08
;copyState = 0xBB
;copyPosX = 0x31
;copyPosY = 0x32
;copyPosZ = 0x33
;copyAngleX = 0x34
;copyAngleY = 0x35
;copyAngleZ = 0x36
;copyScale = 0x37
;copyAll = 0x30
;deleteKey = 0x2E
;duplicateKey = 0xBF
;rotateLeft = 0xBC
;rotateRight = 0xBE
;physicsOn = 0x24
;physicsOff = 0x23
;timescaleToggle = 0x7A
;snapOn = Object snap on
;snapOff = Object snap off
;groundOn = Surface snap on
;groundOff = Surface snap off
;workshopOn = Workshop grid snap on
;workshopOff = Workshop grid snap off
;freezeOn = Workshop timeout off
;freezeOff = Workshop timeout on
;placeOn = Place everywhere mode on
;placeOff = Place everywhere mode off The byrds discography torrent download google search.
;rotateStepChange = Angle step changed to %0.1f
;moveStepChange = Angle step changed to %0.1f
;scaleStepChange = Scale step changed to %d%%
;axisChange = Axis changed to %c
;outlineOn = Object outline on
;outlineOff = Object outline off
;scaleChange = Scale set to %d%%
;clampedStoreOn = Clamped objects storing enabled
;clampedStoreOff = Clamped objects storing disabled
;lockObjectOn = Object locked
;lockObjectOff = Object unlocked
;extraOutlineOff = Extra object selection disabled
;extraOutlineOn = Extra object selection enabled
;physicsOn = Object physics on
;physicsOff = Object physics off
;timescaleOff = Timescale set to normal
;timescaleOn = Timescale changed
Source: Original link
Place Anywhere Fallout 4 Ps4 Not Working
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© Post '[FO4] So if you are one of the people that had issues with place everywhere hotkeys, here i try to explain how to change it.' for game Fallout.
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